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Talking About Automotive Maintenance

Hi there, my name is Nancy. Welcome to my site about automotive maintenance. My car has lasted for more than 10 years without any major problems due to the strict maintenance schedule I follow. Vehicle maintenance includes oil changes, tune ups, tire rotations, alignments and a host of other important services. These services protect the vehicle’s components from excessive wear and unexpected failure. I will use this site to explore all of the different maintenance procedures and schedules available. I hope you can use the information on my site to keep your vehicle in great shape over the years. Thanks for visiting. Come back soon.

Talking About Automotive Maintenance

Tips For Saving The Most Money When Your Vehicle Needs Body Work

If you have a vehicle that is in need of body work, you might start to get a little concerned about the amount of money it will cost you. To help you save as much cash as possible, you will want to check out the following tips. Make A Deal On The Labor Costs If you have a skill or a trade that could be useful to the owner of the auto body shop, you may be able to work out a deal.

The Case For Leaving Hydraulic Repair To The Professionals

In many cases, making repairs on your own is a good way to save money and familiarize yourself with your equipment. However, the first rule of any do-it-yourselfer should be: know your limits. In the case of hydraulic repair, you can hurt yourself and/or damage your equipment by trying to make repairs that you are not qualified to make. Knowing what the risks are will help you to make the right choice.

Avoiding Road Salt Rusting

If you live in an area where roads are treated with salt to help keep vehicles from sliding in icy conditions, you most likely enjoy the extra protection your vehicle has when driving in inclement weather, but hate the idea of the possibility of rust. Salt is known to cause rusting on a vehicle's undercarriage and body, making it necessary to take steps that will prolong the life of your vehicle if you need to drive in an area filled with salty roads.